Broadening the Horizon to Innovate and Reinvent Education

Flier of the event “Direct-IN 2022, organized by EDNOVAE, Expanding Education”. Below, the heading: “Broadening the Horizon to Introduce and Reinvent education. Lecture: Teaching in Equity, August 4. 11:40 (Mex time) given by Lorena Julio, Cofounder and President of Fundación Comparlante”. Below, the logo of Fundación Comparlante next to the text “Register, free event”.

Direct-IN 2022: “Broadening the Horizon to Innovate and Reinvent education”

This virtual event will be carried out from August 3 to 5. This event aims at bringing closer Education Institutions Managers, different perspectives and possibilities to reinvent their institution to build the community and a new future.

15 experts will share their ideas and key actions to reinvent and boost the renewal of your educational project, always focusing on the importance of preparing teachers and institutions so that the learning of students is relevant for the future we would like.

We would like to invite you to participate to this speech of our President, Lorena Julio, on her lecture about “Teaching in Equity”.

Thursday 4, from 11:40 to 12h (Mexico time), and from 13:40 to 14h (Argentina time).

Register for the virtual event on the following link:

Direct In – ce-digitalmenteinteligente

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