The CRPD explicitly commands to disseminate its texts in accessible formats on Article 49.
By accessible format we refer to content adaptation based on standards and protocols of use and universal access to information, which has to be carried out to a text, graphic or audiovisual content to ease its understanding and full utilization of persons with any type of disability.
The most common content formats available to persons with disabilities include, but are not limited to, Braille and text amplification (visual impairment); and easy ready and pictograms (intellectual disability), and subtitling and Sign Language (hearing disability).
In this opportunity, we share the adaptation work of the Convention carried out by the Royal Board on Disability and the Autonomous University of Madrid jointly with the Applied Psychology Center and the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca. This publishing follows the facilitation rules on UAM Group-Easy Reading, and it responds to adaption level 3 which is addressed to adults with reading comprehension problems and persons with mild mental disability: