What does the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities say about the condition of poverty?
The CRPD, from its Introduction, recognizes the value of contributions that persons with disabilities make and can make to the overall well-being and diversity of their communities. At the same time, it highlights that the majority of persons with disabilities live in poverty. Thus, it recognizes the critical need to mitigate the negative effects of poverty on persons with disabilities.
In Article 28, “Adequate standard of living and social protection”, it states that States Parties shall recognize the right of persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families, including food, clothing, housing, and continuous improvement of living conditions.
Which measures are in place to protect and promote this right?
- Ensure equal access to adequate and affordable drinking water and other services to meet disability-related needs.
- Ensure access to social protection programs and poverty reduction strategies for older persons with disabilities.
- Ensure access to state assistance for disability-related expenses for persons with disabilities and their families living in poverty.
- Ensure access to public housing programs.
- Ensure equal access to retirement programs and benefits under the same conditions.
Especially, our recognition as persons and subjects of rights must translate in the implementation of laws, public policies and human relations that safeguard the full enjoyment of a righteous life and with dignity.
Ready the complete Convention text here: www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/documents/tccconvs.pdf