1. States Parties to CRPD are committed to adopt immediate, effective and relevant measures to:
a) Raise awareness in society, even at the family level, to promote greater awareness towards persons with disabilities, and to encourage respects for rights and dignity of these persons;
b) Combat stereotypes, prejudices, and harmful practices against persons with disabilities, including those based on gender and age, in every area of life;
c) Promote awareness on capabilities and contributions of persons with disabilities.
2.Measures to this end include:
a) Implementing and maintaining effective public awareness campaigns aimed at:
i) Fostering right-sensitive attitudes on persons with disabilities;
ii) Enhancing positive perspectives and a greater social awareness on persons with disabilities;
iii) Encouraging the recognition of capabilities, achievements and abilities of persons with disabilities, and their inputs with regard to the work place and the labor market;
b) Implementing at all the education system levels, even among all the children from an early age, an attitude of respect for rights of persons with disabilities;
c) Encouraging all media bodies to disseminate an image of persons with disabilities which is compatible with the purpose of this Convention;
d) Promoting training programs on awareness including persons with disabilities and the rights of these persons.
Read the full Convention text here: www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/documents/tccconvs.pdf