Active Accessibility

Active Accessibility

The right to be part of a team, to engage in sports, and to share within a sports club is fundamental for a person’s development.

This program aims to highlight the importance of sports for people with disabilities through various initiatives.

In 2021, we conducted 40 interviews with individuals connected to adaptive sports.

Throughout 2023, we set out to disseminate all the information and best practice experiences related to sports accessibility, gathered in our ‘Accessibility Manual for Sports Clubs,’ to over 100 clubs in Argentina.

Logo de Accesibilidad activa, conformado por dos letras de color naranja y con dos puntos en los laterales de estas letras, simulando balones de distintos deportes.

Accessibility Manual for Sports Clubs

We have noticed that, along Latin America and specially in Argentina, still a lot of boys, girls, youths and adults with disabilities do not have the opportunity to practice sports mainly because sports clubs lack knowledge on their needs and the required adaptations. Therefore, we decided to develop this Manual to change this.

With the support of the Association of Architects in the Province of Buenos Aires, diverse organizations of the civil society and people related to adaptive sport, we created this Introductory Manual to accessibility so that sports clubs may get started to adapt their spaces, and their social and sport practices.

Tapa frontal del Manual de Accesibilidad para clubes deportivos. Se encuentra la ilustración de una corredora usuaria de prótesis en su pierna izquierda, un esgrimista usuario de silla de ruedas, un futbolista ciego que tiene los ojos vendados y un maratonista usuario de silla de ruedas siendo impulsado por su acompañante. Debajo los logos de Editorial Serial y Fundación Comparlante.

Virtual Interviews

We interviewed athletes, coaches, and various figures in adaptive sports.

In our program ‘Active Accessibility – Get in Action!’ you will find activities such as soccer for individuals with visual impairments, powerchair sports, adaptive basketball for individuals with visual impairments, adapted paragliding, silent basketball, sitting volleyball, adapted skateboarding, tennis for individuals with visual impairments, adapted trekking, archery for individuals with visual impairments, and much more

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Video interviews

Visit the videos of the interviews conducted as part of the Active Accessibility program.


Access the Active Accessibility interviews now recorded in audio format.

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