Attention, Neuquén! Join the presentation of the Manual on Accessibility for sports clubs

Image of the invite to the virtual presentation of the Manual on accessibility for sports clubs. It will be held on Friday June 16th at 18:00 (Arg. time). Inside, the image of two wheelchair user boxers and one blind person practicing archery. Below, the logos of Fundación Comparlante, Editorial Serial and Buceo Sin Fronteras.

We would like to invite you to participate in the meeting next Friday June 16th at 18:00 (Arg. time). Editorial Serial published the Manual that Fundación Comparlante developed with the support of the Association of Architects in the Province of Buenos Aires, several organizations of the civil society and people related to adapted sports and […]

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We have met 50% of our goal and we are coming for more!

Flyer with the text: “We have met 50% of our goal“. There is also the cover of the manual on accessibility for sports clubs and a map of Argentina in which the provinces where the presentation was carried out are highlighted. Below, the logos of Comparlante and Editorial Serial.

The presentation of the Manual on accessibility for sports clubs continues throughout Argentina. After the presentation in the Faculty of Journalism and Communication at Universidad Nacional de La Plata, we are getting closer to reaching our objective. If you are interested in participate in our virtual presentation, or if you would like us to make […]

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Attention, Río Negro! Join the presentation of the Manual on Accessibility for sports clubs!

Image of the invite to the virtual presentation of the Manual on accessibility for sports clubs. It will be held on May 23rd at 18:00 (Arg. time). Inside, the image of a left-foot prosthetic runner, two wheelchair handball player users, a wheelchair skydiver user, and a diver with his companion. Below, the logos of Fundación Comparlante, Editorial Serial and Buceo Sin Fronteras.

We would like to invite you to participate in the meeting next Tuesday May 23th at 18:00 (Arg. time). Editorial Serial published the Manual that Fundación Comparlante developed with the support of the Association of Architects in the Province of Buenos Aires, several organizations of the civil society and people related to adapted sports and […]

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Fundación Comparlante partook in the XIII Ordinary Meeting of CEDDIS

Sebastián Flores, Executive Director of Fundación Comparlante, sitting in the room where the CEDDIS is held. He is in profile like the rest of the audience. More speakers and diplomats are behind him.

As Observer and recognized member of the Civil Society before the Organization of American States (OAE), Fundación Comparlante partook in the XIII Ordinary Meeting of the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (CEDDIS) held in Panama from May 15th to May 17th. Represented by our Executive Director, Sebastián […]

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The manual on accessibility for sports clubs already started its journey throughout Argentina!

Photo in the Club Villa Obrera in which the audience is sitting with its back to the camera, whilst Lorena Julio and Lelio Sánchez of Fundación Comparlante talk to them. Aside, Horacio Ríos, member of Comparlante, projects the Manual on the wall using his computer.

With the manual, we offer lectures and provide the needed information so that sports clubs are able to make reasonable changes and adapt their spaces, sports and practices for everybody. During March and April, we visited clubs in Mar del Plata, Pedro Luro, Bahía Blanca, Tandil, and Médanos.  And we also went to the provinces […]

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Sports Journalism students from the Faculty of Journalist will receive the Manual on Accessibility for Sports Clubs

Invitation to the presentation of the manual on accessibility for sports clubs. It will be in the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication at the UNLP, on May 17th at 10:30 (Argentina time). Inside, the picture of a left-foot prosthesis runner, two banaged football players, and two wheelchair users handball players. Below, the logos of Fundación Comparlante and Editorial Serial and the Faculty of Journalism and Communication.

Sports journalism students from the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication – UNLP at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata will receive the Manual on Accessibility for sports clubs. This manual, which aims at providing information, is an essential tool for future professionals in communication and sports. Editorial Serial published the Manual that Fundación Comparlante […]

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Training on accessible and inclusive communication in public transportation

Lorena Julio, opposite the camera whilst speaking to the audience, Beside her, Ángela Bedouret seeing and carefully listening to her. In the foreground, it can be seen blurry the attendees who listen to Lorena. Behind her, a screen displaying a banner which says “Reasonable Adjustments”.

Our president, Lorena Julio, offered training on accessible and inclusive communication in public transportation to agents of the Ministry of Transport from the Province of Buenos Aires. The objective was to raise awareness and provide tools of Universal Accessibility and communication for everyone with perspective in rights and international standards of Universal Accessibility. Dr. Ángela […]

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We have signed the agreement on education practices in accessible communication

Lorena Julio and Ayelén Sidun, sitting smiling at the camera whilst signing the agreement on education practices. Below, the logos of Fundación Comparlante and the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

We have signed the agreement on education practices with the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication from the Universidad Nacional de la Plata. 🤝 Lorena Julio, president of Fundación Comparlante, together with the Dean of Journalism, Ayelén Sidun, signed an agreement on education practices in accessible communication. The importance of teaching universal communication is essential […]

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The Chamber of Deputies from the Province of Buenos Aires facilitated the printing of 200 manuals

Photo of the Comparlante Team smiling at the camera whilst holding the hard copies of Manuals at the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Buenos Aires. In the photo, there are Gerónimo Bukowsky, Lelio Sánchez, Camila Aprea, and Mayra Luengo.

With the new Manual of Accessibility in hardcopy, we are ready to continue with this federal project! The Chamber of Deputies from the Province of Buenos Aires helped to print 200 manuals.  We are really thankful for this huge support! We will continue with more presentations both and virtual one in all the argentinian […]

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