My World My Way

My World My Way

International literary children’ s contest focused on raising awareness on persons with disabilities.

Girls and boys from 15 Latin American countries participated in its two editions and made it possible to make known and express their vision about disability through writing.

The stories were illustrated by Beatriz Calvo.

Image in white background containing the contest title My World My Way in black letters and all the cartoon characters from the story contest, boys and girls with different disabilities.

In their stories, the participants had to involve the characters proposed by Comparlante

Personaje con discapacidad visual y su perro guía.

A child with visual impairment

Visual impairment refers to the deficiency of the vision system which affects acuity and visual field, ocular motility and perception of colors and depth, resulting in diagnoses such as low vision or blindness.

He is accompanied by his guide dog: an animal specially trained to provide assistance for the mobility and independence of the visually impaired.

Ilustración de una niña con cabello castaño peinado en dos coletas, vistiendo un vestido violeta con flores rosas, medias largas rosas y zapatos negros. Sonríe sentada en su silla de ruedas.

A girl with motor disability

Motor disability refers to a physical condition which influences the body’s ability to control and move, characterized by disturbances in the person’s movement, balance, speech, and breathing.

To facilitate her movement and autonomy, she has a wheelchair that adapts and responds to her needs.

Illustration of a girl with long blonde hair wearing an orange t-shirt, jeans, and black shoes.

A girl with Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a congenital disorder derived from total or partial triplication of the chromosome 21, a cognitive spectrum disability that results in mental retardation and growth as part of certain physical changes.

Ilustración de un niño con cabello negro corto enrulado vistiendo una camisa manga larga verde, shorts celestes de jean, medias y zapatos deportivos blancos. Usa un audífono color verde y con sus manos está haciendo la palabra amistad en Lengua de Señas.

A child with hearing impairment

Hearing impairment or deafness refers to the impossibility or difficulty of making use of the sense of hearing due to a loss of partial (hearing loss) or total hearing loss unilaterally or bilaterally. Like other physical disabilities, deafness can originate at birth or be acquired over the years of life.

In order to communicate, deaf people use Sign Language: a complete system of communication which, just as the spoken language allows to transmit ideas and feelings, transforming words into gestures carried out mainly with hands.

Ilustración de un niño con cabello castaño vistiendo una chaqueta amarilla, shorts celestes, medias amarillas y zapatos deportivos negros.

A child with autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by the presence of alterations in 3 areas: communication, social interaction and sensory perception.

People with ASD can present behavior patterns such as restricted interests and repetitive activities, with difficulties coping with unexpected changes.

Ilustración de una niña con cabello negro largo trenzado, vistiendo una ropa muy colorida típica de las personas que viven en Los Andes, con un pantalón azul y sandalias amarillas. Para desplazarse, se apoya en un andador color violeta.

A girl with cerebral palsy

Infantile cerebral palsy (thus defined by the stage of human development where it originates) is a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to voluntarily move in a coordinated way, maintaining balance and posture. It is the most common motor disability in childhood.

Depending on the degree of cerebral palsy, some people could make use of implements or assistive devices to assist them in mobility or other motor functions, and even in some cases, these could be totally reduced.

Ilustración de una niña con cabello negro peinado en un rodete bajo, vistiendo ropa típica de la India como un shari color rosa, esmeralda y dorado, con unas sandalias rosa claro. Usa grandes aros dorados en las orejas, muchas pulseras en su brazo derecho. Su brazo izquierdo está amputado a la altura del codo.

A girl with amputated arm or stump

Amputation is the procedure by which a part or limbs of the body (either upper: such as arms or hands, or lower: such as legs or feet) are removed through one or more bones.
There are several causes that can lead to amputation, such as traffic, domestic or work accidents, serious gunshot or explosion wounds, and those related to health conditions or congenital affections, among which diabetes stands out.

The end of the amputated limb is called a stump. Generally, people with limb loss use a prosthesis: an artificial extension that replaces the missing body part, supporting the person in carrying out daily activities and for cosmetic purposes.

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